Evans Onyango
Geophysics | Seismology
NSF Postdoctoral Fellow
I use seismic waves from natural or controlled sources to study and image Earth’s crust.
In 2021, I explored the ability of seismic reflection and refraction methods to image the subsurface structure of partially collapsed subsurface cavities.
Recently, my work involved imaging the subduction zone interface structure beneath Kodiak Island. We analyzed conversions from compressional to shear waves from distant earthquakes recorded by 398 portable seismometers deployed as part of the Alaska Amphibious Community Seismic Experiment.
I’m currently developing a comprehensive 3D velocity model for the Gulf of Alaska that will have uses such as modeling the seismic wavefield, understanding active tectonics, and modeling geodynamics of the subduction system.
Research Interest
Research Experience
Teaching Experience