Scuderi, L. A., Onyango, E. A. and Nagle-McNaughton, T. (2023). A Remote Sensing and GIS Analysis of Rockfall Distributions from the 5 July 2019 Ridgecrest (MW7.1) and 24 June 2020 Owens Lake (MW5.8) Earthquakes. Remote Sensing, Volume 15, Issue 8, 1962, doi:10.3390/rs15081962.


Onyango, E. A., Worthington, L. L., Schmandt, B., and Abers, G. A. (2022). Subduction Zone Interface Structure within the Southern MW9. 2 1964 Great Alaska Earthquake Asperity: Constraints from Receiver Functions Across a Spatially Dense Node Array. Geophysical Research Letters, Volume 49, Issue. 15, doi:10.1029/2022GL098334.


Onyango, E. A., Abbott, R. E., Worthington, L. L., and Preston, L. A. (2021). Dense Seismic Array Study of a Legacy Underground Nuclear Test at the Nevada National Security Site. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, Volume 111, Issue 1, 571-589, doi:10.1785/0120200164.


Barcheck, G., Abers, G. A., Adams, A. N., Bécel, A., Collins, J., Gaherty, J. B., Haeussler, P. J., Li, Z., Moore, G., Onyango, E.A., Roland, E., Sampson, D. E., Schwartz, S. Y., Sheehan, A. F., Shillington, D. J., Shore, P. J., Webb, S., Wiens, D. A., and Worthington, L. L. (2020). The Alaska amphibious community seismic experiment. Seismological Society of America, Volume 91, Issue 6, 3054-3063, doi:10.1785/0220200189.

Shillington, D. J., Scholz, C. A., Chindandali, P. R., Gaherty, J. B., Accardo, N. J., Onyango, E.A., Ebinger, C. J., and Nyblade, A. A. (2020). Controls on Rift Faulting in the North Basin of the Malawi (Nyasa) Rift, East Africa. Tectonics, Volume 39, Issue 3, doi:10.1029/2019TC005633.